Schools Out!
Kids work at a lemonade stand to benefit migrant children separated from their parents at our borders. Yay.
Some jackass dude starts yelling at them about permits. Nay.
Lovely random woman stands up for my kids at the lemonade stand. Yay!
Inspired by women, especially women of color, in government after upset in NY Primary. Yay!
Supreme Court. Nay/Despair.
Proud of these kids. They got a lesson in civics and a lesson in kind bystanders stepping in to defend them.
Resting podcast listening face on the last day of school.
Interview kids and parents for cool new podcast project at the playground. Yay.
Collaborate with like-minded people. Find more women writers, thinkers and doers to work with. Yay!
Help organize super local action in my community. Yay.
Newsroom shooting in Baltimore. Jesus.
Feel more pride for women beautifully resisting our governments hateful policies. Yay.
Be aware of privilege. Every day.
Communicate with people intentionally and thoughtfully. Yay.
Trump takes prank phone call on Air Force One. Unreal.
Anxiety that there are no real adults running things. True.
Be the adults and use our voices. We must.